Algorithm Libraries

Algorithm libraries provide easy access to a wide variety of mathematics, data science, and engineering functions.


Python built-in libraries include:

SciKit Learn

SciKit Learn is s library for Machine Learning built on Python, NumPy, and Matplotlib. It includes:

A User Guide can be found here.


SciPy is Python-based open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. SciPy includes:

To install the SciPy stack, use the instruction here.

SciPy has a large number of functions organized into API packages:

A more detailed index of all SciPy functions can be found here.


Statsmodels is a set of Python module that provides classes and functions for the estimation of many different statistical models, as well as for conducting statistical tests, and statistical data exploration, including:


Dataset loading utilities are useful for testing and learning about Machine Learning algorithms. Datasets include: