Modeling Process

Modeling is a multi-stage methodology for creating trained and tested Machine Learning models.

The Modeling Process is essentially a scientific experiment which includes:

  • Development of a Hypothesis - e.g., data collected about a specific previous consumer behavior can be used to predict future behavior

  • Design of the Experiment - e.g., model algorithm selection

  • Execution of the Experiment - e.g., model training and testing

  • Evaluation and Explanation of Results - e.g., is the hypothesis true or false, what is the accuracy

The steps in the modeling process, which can be highly iterative between steps, generally include:

  1. Type Identification

  2. Platform Selection

  3. Data Collection

  4. Model Algorithm Selection

  5. Model Hyperparameters Setting

  6. Model Training

  7. Model Testing

  8. Model Evaluation

  9. Model Deployment

Type Identification

The type of Machine Learning needed can have a significant influence on the steps that follow.

Type identification can be driven by:

  • Applications Needed

  • Areas of Interest

  • Educational Needs

  • Research and Development

Major type categories include:

Platform Selection

ML Platforms are generally of two types:

Data Collection

Data Collection is the processing of finding, organizing, cleaning, and storing data in a form that can be fed into model training and prediction processing.

Data Collection can involve:

Model Algorithm Selection

Algorithm Options

Model algorithms to select from include:

Selection Methodologies

Methods of selecting an algorithm include:

Model Hyperparameter Settings

Hyperparameters control aspects of model instantiation and training and can include factors, depending on the model algorithm being used, such as:

  • activation_function: which Activation Function is used in Activation Nodes

  • batch_size: the number of inputs to include in each processing iteration linked to the learning rate

  • hidden_network_layers: the number of nodes in each hidden network layer; hidden layers are those between the input and output layers

  • learning_rate: what algorithm to use for controlling Weight Optimization

  • maximum_number_of_iterations: the maximum number of iterations of data is processed through the neural network

  • number_of_data_features: the number of data features used for model training and inference processing

  • number_of_informative_data_features: the number of data features correlated to the training outputs; this simulates real world model training where the correlation of data features may not be known

  • number_of_model_classes: the number of output classes the neural network is being trained to predict

  • number_of_training_and_test_samples: the number of data samples processed through model training

  • print_training_progress: whether to print the loss after each training iteration; loss is a measure of the difference between calculated outputs and expected outputs

  • tolerance_for_optimization: a numeric value used for ending the model training iteration cycles

  • weight_optimization_algorithm: the algorithm used for Weight Optimization, such as Stochastic Gradient Descent

Model Training

Data is iteratively processed through the neural network while adjusting the weights and biases applied to data array links to produced increasingly more accurate output results. The diagram below illustrates an Artificial Neural Network; the concepts are true for other model algorithms.

  • Data Inputs - data is fed into the training process

  • Iteration - data is iteratively passed through the neural network

  • Forward Propagation - data is passed from node to node

  • Outputs - output results are fed into loss calculations

  • Loss Calculation - the difference between output results and desired results is calculated

  • Weight Optimization - the amount of change to data flow weights is calculated

  • Backpropagation - modifies the weights and biases applied to data array links

Typically the training process is performed iteratively while monitoring for factors such as best accuracy results as illustrated below:

Bias-Variance Tradeoff.png

Model Testing

Data is passed forward through the neural network to produce a result and associated confidence level that the result is true. The diagram below illustrates an Artificial Neural Network; the concepts are true for other model algorithms.

  • Data Inputs - data is fed into the training process

  • Forward Propagation - data is passed from node to node

  • Outputs - output results are fed into confidence level calculations

  • Confidence Level - is a number from 0 to 1 indicating the probability that the output results is correct

Model Evaluation

Model Evaluation involves applying Probability and Statistics using measurements such as:

Depending on the results of model evaluation, previous modeling steps may need to be adjusted and repeated.

To reduce overfitting, consider using:

Model Deployment

Model software deployment typically involves:
