Graph Pooling Node

Pooling functions combine and simplify data. Multiple data elements from an input matrix are combined into a single element in an output matrix. Below is a representation of a pooling node:


Types of pooling functions include:

  • max - the maximum element of an input group is used for the output pooled element

  • average - the average of the input group elements is used for the output pooled element

Parameters used for the pooling operation include:

  • filter - sets the dimensions of the filter grouping used for pooling (e.g. 2x2)

  • stride - sets how many cells the pooling filter moves for each pooling operation (e.g. 1); stride is normally set so that the output volume is an integer and not a fraction

  • padding - adds zero value cells around an input matrix in order to maintain the same spatial dimensions for the input and output volume
